ATSSA Signal September October 2020

The Signal | September/October 2020 25 Innovation The U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) funded a team led by the Insti - tute of Traffic Engineers (ITE) to develop a standardized approach to connected signalized intersections. The committee reported there has been an uptick in street murals in the formof words and messages. The committee is keeping track of them and noted that most streets involved are closed to traf - fic and temporary paint is being used. If the streets are closed to the public, it’s not an issue but if the streets open to traffic, action needs to be taken. Pavement Marking Retroreflectivity is still on the regulatory agenda. Most likely, it will be addressed before the MUTCD final rule. GlenBlackwelderofVermontDOTreported that as of Dec. 31, 2019 all devices for new installs and substantial replacements must be MASH compliant. Mike Kimlinger of Oregon DOT reported that they are looking at the problem of drivers going around Automated Flagger Assistance Devices (AFADs) too fast and need law enforcement to cite violators. Virginia Tech staff reported on a study on Drive Response to Dynamic Message Signs Safety Campaign Messages. The study evaluated the types of nontradi - tional safety messages being displayed and their effectiveness. However, the survey did not assess whether behav - iors changed as a result of themessages. The AASHTO National Transportation Product Evaluation Program (NTPEP) annual meeting was held in a virtual format. The program was broken into a series of 1½–2-hour virtual meetings over a period of two weeks. ATSSA staff participated in many of the sessions where the technical committeesdiscussed work plans and product evaluations. Many issues were discussed regarding COVID-19 and how the individual tech - nical committees managed to get prod- uct samples and evaluate products as described in the work plans.  For additional information, contact Eric Perry at [email protected] .