ACPA Quarter 3 2019 Quarter 3, 2019 A C P A N E W S 27 A FUN-FILLED, INFORMATION-PACKED ANNUAL MEETING is in the works and ACPA is offering an early preview of the tentative agenda: Tuesday, Dec. 3 The meeting begins with the ACPAChapter Committee Meeting, and meetings of the IGGA, RCC Pavement Council, and ACPA Emerging Leaders Group. Wednesday, Dec. 4 The day begins with breakfast and Task Force Meetings, followed by the Strategic Advisory Committee, Annual Meeting of the Members, Legislative Issues Committee and the Concrete Pavement University (CPU) opening session. An early evening Mardi Gras reception will give attendees a relaxing and fun-filled opportunity to enjoy time networking and spending time with other meeting attendees. Thursday, Dec. 5 The final day includes the ACPA Association Award breakfast, fol- lowed by our popular CPU tech transfer & educational events. Eight CPU breakouts are divided into two concurrent tracks throughout the morning and afternoon. The 30th Annual Excellence in Concrete Pavement Awards dinner closes out the evening and marks the end of the meeting. With record attendance at the Mid-Year Meeting, and an all-time high number of ACPA contractor members (210 in all), ACPA anticipates exceptional attendance, an information-packed meeting, and plenty of networking and fun! The meeting will be held Tuesday, Dec. 3, through Thursday, Dec. 5., at the New Orleans Marriott, located in the heart of the ‘Big Easy.’ For additional information, including an agenda, event and hotel registration links, and other useful information, please visit Make Plans for the ACPA Annual Meeting