ABC-SEMI Issue 1 2020

Southeast Michigan Contractors  Issue 1 2020 17 DAVENPORT BROTHERS Joe Davenport was honored to help with the installation of the memorial to local resident Egypt Covington. Her father, Chuck Covington and his family were on hand for a moving ceremony to unveil the memorial to his murdered daughter. The memorial was paid for by people who donated via a Go Fund Me account to the non-profit created in her name. It includes two benches, trees, and a monument marker. Mark felt it was appropriate to recognize the love of family in a place where many good memories will be made— and that Egypt’s remembrance will live on. “Working with Davenport Brothers Construction on this project was a pleasure,” said Lothringer. “It was clear that Joe Davenport and Kelly Crain were not looking at this as just another construction job—to them it was personal because this is their home. From the first shovel in the ground to the day of the grand opening—this project was completed in just 70 working days.” Not only did Davenport Brothers install a new splash pad but made much needed improvements to Quirk Park as well. They installed new pedestrian paths, playground equipment, and new signage and the creation of accessible parking spaces that are in conjunction with ADA compliance. The concession building, which has restrooms, remained and they put up a 10×20’ brick building with two changing rooms, with benches and a baby changing area. “It’s the most beautiful thing for our community,” said Van Buren Supervisor Kevin McNamara. “Our kids should not have to go to other communities for recreation.”