ABC SEMI Issue 4 2018

Contact us today! | 800-647-1511 Advertise to Support Your Association! 1. Redistribute Your Employees’ Time When you're HR instead of giving it to your own staff to deal with, you can give other tasks to your professionals. Small contractors often do not have an employee on staff who is dedicated to human resources management. Instead, other staff members are forced to spend their valuable time handling tasks they do not excel at. This in turn causes their other work to languish and productivity to suffer. Who is currently handling your human resources? An office administrator? Another managerial staff member? You? Your time, and your employees’ time, is valuable. Imagine how much more productive your employees would be if they were focusing their time and energy on tasks you hired them for. An office administrator may do an excellent job organizing the office but may not do well with HR since he or she is not an HR expert. When you waste your employees’ time, you waste money. Outsource your human resources department and let your employees get back to their job descriptions. Ultimately it will save you money. 2. Reduce Your Liabilities Another area where you may not be as well versed as a human resources expert is the arena of law. Lawsuits involving contractors can be expensive, and unfortunately even when you make your best efforts to avoid them, legal issues may still arise. State, local, and federal laws governing labor are complicated and change regularly. Instead of struggling to keep up with the shifting regulations and the complexities of work-related lawsuits, why not hire an expert to help you avoid legal hassles and resolve them when they do come up? Consider the cost of a single lawsuit, and then think how much money outsourcing your HR department could save you on lawsuits alone. 3. Recruit Better Talent By choosing to outsource HR jobs, you can find better talent in the process. One of the many responsibilities allocated to your HR department is to bring new talent on-board that can bring value to the workplace. Finding the best candidates is often a slow, tedious process, and if you don’t have an expert on your staff, your recruiting staff may struggle to reach out to the right population of job candidates. According to ABC associate member, Sarah Forgrave, account manager for Aerotek’s Architecture and Construction division, when you outsource HR services, you hand over your job candidate search to experts who know exactly where to post job listings and how to reach out to the most qualified professionals. “Recruiting can be a time-consuming process,” said Forgrave. “But you can cut back on your recruiting budget by out sourcing to a company that specializes in that area. By opening yourself to a much larger pool of candidates you ultimately have a much better 5 Simple Ways to Outsource and Win for Your Company Southeast Michigan Contractors  Issue 4 2018 13 continues on page 17 m